If you have Questions?
Worthington's shareholder records and Dividend Reinvestment Program are administered by our stock transfer agent, Broadridge Shareholder Services. Since Broadridge Shareholder Services is the keeper of our records, for most inquiries it is usually quicker and more efficient if your correspondence is addressed directly to Broadridge Shareholder Services. In this category are questions concerning:
- An address or name change
- An unreceived or lost dividend check
- The Dividend Reinvestment Program
- Dividend Direct Deposit
- Transfer of shares due to death, inheritance or gift
- A lost certificate
- Account inquiries
Correspondence address and the address used for Dividend Reinvestment Program Brochure is as follows:
Broadridge Shareholder Services
51 Mercedes Way
Edgewood, NY 11717
Phone: 1-844-943-0717
Toll Number: 1-813-255-2457
Email: shareholder@broadridge.com
Contact Information:
Service representatives are available from 9am-6pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Questions for Worthington should be forwarded to:
Worthington Enterprises
Investor Relations
200 W. Old Wilson Bridge Rd
Columbus, OH 43085
Phone: 614-840-4663
Dividend Reinvestment Program
The Worthington Enterprises Dividend Reinvestment Program offers shareholders a convenient and economical method of using quarterly dividends and any supplemental cash investments to increase their holdings in Worthington. Through this program, registered shareholders may use their Worthington dividends to acquire additional shares. They may also elect to purchase additional shares with cash contribution from a minimum of $50 a month to a maximum of $5000 a month. Worthington pays all administrative charges and brokerage commissions associated with the purchase of shares through the program. Use of this program is entirely voluntary, and shareholders may join or withdraw at any time.
Benefits to our shareholders
The Worthington Dividend Reinvestment Program is designed for all registered Worthington Enterprises shareholders, large and small. These are some of the benefits:
- You increase your stock holdings with no administrative fees or brokerage commissions for the purchase of shares.
- Your increased holdings generate additional dividend income.
- You may make additional cash investments if you wish.
- These dividends, plus any additional cash investments, are fully utilized in the purchase of Worthington Enterprises commons stock.
- You will be mailed a detailed statement after each purchase of shares to simplify your record keeping.
- In order to safeguard your certificates, you have the option of forwarding to Broadridge Shareholder Services any certificates you hold and adding these shares to your dividend reinvestment account.
- This program is entirely voluntary, and you may join or withdraw at any time.
To request a Dividend Reinvestment Program brochure
You may request a brochure by contacting Broadridge Shareholder Services:
Broadridge Shareholder Services
51 Mercedes Way
Edgewood, NY 11717
Phone: 1-844-943-0717
Toll Number: 1-813-255-2457
Email: shareholder@broadridge.com
Contact Information:
Service representatives are available from 9am-6pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Dividend Direct Deposit
Common Shareholders of Worthington may have their dividends deposited into their savings or checking account at any bank that is a member of the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system. Information describing this service and an authorization form can be requested from the transfer agent shown above.